Lent is the ideal time to demonstrate our love for God. For that we present you some tips. Choose yours. There’s still time!
- Apologize to someone you hurt long ago
- Call your parents
- Compliment your spouse every day
- Cross the street at the crosswalk
- Do a life revision every night
- Do not buy clothes
- Do not listen to music in the car (on the bus, on the motorcycle, on the bicycle …)
- Don’t complain
- Drink no alcohol or soda
- Drive with more responsibility and be more polite in traffic
- Eat no chocolate
- Eat no desserts
- Eat no meat
- Eat no sweets
- Evangelize one person a day
- Give alms
- Give someone a ride
- Go to adoration weekly and vigils monthly
- Go to Daily Mass
- Help out in the kitchen
- Invite a friend to a retreat
- Make a pilgrimage with friends
- Play no games (Xbox, cards…)
- Pray daily for someone
- Read a book about the lives of the saints
- Renounce something and give it to the poor
- Save water
- Say a prayer every morning and night
- Say the rosary daily
- Separate garbage for recycling
- Take a look at those forgotten clothes in the wardrobe (thinking of your own heart)
- Talk less, listen more
- Talk to a person you don’t usually talk to
- Use less cell phone, have more time with people
- Visit a sick person
- Visit someone who’s far from God
- Visit your mother-in-law (seriously!)
- Watch a good movie with your kids or parents
- Watch no movies alone
- Watch no TV
Translation: William Rocha