
For a culture of peace

Shalom Community carries out a missionary expedition in order to the construction of the Educational Space of Peace in Chaves.


A group of 22 volunteers arrived in Chaves, in the Brazilian state of Pará, to join the Community missionaries already there to help complete the preparations for another missionary expedition that began on February 27th and ends March 6th. The main goal of the volunteers and missionaries was to finish the construction of the Educational Space of Peace.

Chaves is a city located in the Marajó archipelago, one of the poorest regions of Brazil. Many of its inhabitants live in extreme poverty.

The Shalom Community has been present on the island for 22 years, promoting individual and family health and hygiene, offering social assistance and evangelization. There are also activities which support children and adolescents in school, literacy help for mothers, group activities and personal accompaniment for young people at risk and spiritual formation. In addition, the missionaries, in collaboration with the parish and the town hall, frequently visit the river communities to give spiritual support and material aid.

The goal now is to consolidate and expand these activities by building the Educational Space of Peace. Here, we will offer peace, the “Shalom” to the forgotten, isolated and suffering people in the form of material assistance as well as practical and spiritual support through a process that embraces the human, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions.

The project is the result of an inspiration from the founder of the Shalom Community, Moysés Azevedo, and it has received the blessing and encouragement of Pope Francis.

The Shalom Community is already in possession of two property lots, one in Fortaleza and another in Chaves, where the Educational Spaces will be built. But there is still much to be done before the project can be fully developed.

“There is a need to sensitize and attract volunteers who, in the future, are willing to offer one or two years of work in the Educational Space of Peace. The missionary expedition makes it possible to know the difficulties of these people and also to experience the joy of evangelizing and volunteering their lives”, explains Jeovana Freitas, a consultant for human promotion in the Shalom Community.

The group of volunteers has doctors, podiatrists, musicians, cooks, lawyers, accountants, nurses and young evangelizers. After an intense moment of spirituality, they leave for visits to the homes in the various areas of the city, offering medical care and announcing the peace that Jesus brought them.


Translation: Jhoanna Climacosa 

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