
History of the Youth for Jesus Project


The founding of the Shalom Work took place through young people who were sensitive to the call of God and, in an innovative way, desired to transform the evangelization of the youth of Fortaleza through an unpretentious cafeteria.

Today, we can see that the magnitude of the growth of this seed thrown by God has a strong resemblance to the parable of the mustard seed, and that the soil chosen by the Father, the farmer, was the youth.

By 1988, 6 years after the Shalom Catholic Community was founded, the number of members had grown in quantity and diversity, but it was evident that many of the strong features of the work that were implanted by the presence of young people needed to be reinvigorated.

It was in this circumstance and during a period of listening that the Lord began to generate the desire of a pastoral work within the Work directed more to the youth. Generated by the Spirit and discerned by the Community Council, the idea became a reality with the official launch of the Youth for Jesus Project in the city of Fortaleza on May 17, 1989.

The launch took place at the Aécio de Borba Gymnasium during an afternoon of praise entitled “Youth for Jesus”, and was attended by approximately five thousand young people from the Charismatic Renewal, other movements as well as unevangelized young people. It was an afternoon of feasting and blessing. The Cardinal Archbishop of Fortaleza, D. Aloísio Lorscheider, was present on this day, and he motivated us with his words and blessing. In addition to praise, prayer and preaching, two groups of Christian dances were presented, emphasizing the importance of art as a means of evangelization. The day ended with a great Eucharistic Celebration.

The Youth for Jesus Project was our response to the words of Pope Paul VI: “The hope of the Church resides in youth”.

In the same year, a work campaign began to set up a house where the Project would function and pastoral work would be organized for the First Shalom Youth Congress (23rd and 24th September, 1989) as well as for the 1st Youth Shalom Camping, the Acamps (23rd-29th July, 1990).

Since then, as in its origin, the Spirit of God has breathed on the Project and directed expansively its pastoral actions, so that with effectiveness and power, the Word of God will liberate and transform the youngsters thirsty for love that walk aimlessly today in our society.

Ronaldo Pereira

Translation: Jhoanna Climacosa


Do you want to help the Youth for Jesus Project to evangelize young people, in particular those farthest from God and the Church?

If you’d like to donate by bank transfer, here are the Banca Prossima codes:

COMUNITÀ CATTOLICA SHALOM – International Assistance
Current Account: 100000008887 | Bank: Banca Prossima
For the transfer from abroad the following codes must be used:
IBAN: IT40W0335901600100000008887
BIC receiving bank (SWIFT): BCITITMX


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