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Jesus said to me: ‘I want you to live’. Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) in London


                                                                 Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) in London

Nearly 60 people took part in a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) hosted by the Shalom Community in London during the last weekend of November. A series of talks, music and moments of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament helped
participants to experience God’s love. The opportunity to go to confession and attend mass meant a turning point in life for some of them.

After having such wonderful weekend, some participants decided to share with us their experience:
“On Thursday night my daughters found out that their dad had died. So on Friday we were crying, we were full of sadness. We didn’t think we could come, but something got us here for this weekend. We felt absolute joy and love. We felt so supported. Although we know there are hard days to come, I just want to thank everybody for the love and support you all showed, specially to my daughters. Here we realised that dad passed from death to life and
there is, actually, joy in our hearts right now. Thank you everybody!” (Bernadette Corridan)

“For me the most important moment happened yesterday when we had a talk about God’s love. I’ve been looking for God’s love for years. For years I’ve been crying and asking: ‘God, where are you? Don’t you love me?’ I’ve been through so many things… Once God talked to me: ‘I love you Debora’, but I had forgotten His words. Yesterday’s talk reminded me again that He is always with me. Even after everything I’ve been through, even after everything I’ve done, I’m here in this retreat, I’ve got two legs, two arms, I can talk, I’m healthy and happy… I don’t know what is going to happen next week, but I really, really want to be closer to God. I want to be with Him. I want my heart be close to Him. Like a little girl holding hands with dad.” (Debora)

“For me the most important thing was going to confession. Over the last few weeks I had dark moments and some difficulties. I was feeling lost. Today I had the courage to go to confession and now I have this amazing feeling that God is my Saviour and He always wants to comfort me. Thank you Fr George for hearing my confession!” (Kata Károly)

“I need to share this with you because someone here may have the same problem as mine. I suffer from depression and anxiety. For me the most amazing moment I had this weekend it was when I came in and I knelt down before the Blessed Sacrament. I just cried a lot and I asked God: ‘Why am I here in this world? I don’t like this world”, you know… and at this moment Jesus said to me: ‘I want you to live’. For me this was an answer! I can tell you now you’re not alone, if I’m here it’s because I’m not alone and God is with us! And He wants you as well!” (Suzidarly de Freitas)


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