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Pope: we can’t be book-keepers of God’s love

Pope Francis on Thursday said that God is like a mother, He loves us unconditionally, but too often we want to take control of this grace in a kind of a spiritual book-keeping. The Pope was speaking during his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from the prophet Isaiah, […]

“Like a virgin”: can a song be redeemed?

After winning the Italian edition of “The Voice”, Sister Cristina Scuccia was already an internet sensation around the world. Now, she just released her first single called “Like a Virgin”. Yes, you got it right, it is a cover of one of Madonna’s most famous and iconic hits. The song was composed by Tom Kelly […]

Pope: recognize your sins and be transformed by Christ

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday reflected on the transforming grace of God’s Word and invited Christians to recognize their sins and let themselves be transformed by their encounter with Christ. Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni: The Pope was addressing the faithful gathered for morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. During his homily, Pope […]

How I met Pope Francis

During the week before the Canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII, members of Shalom Community from many countries, took part in a pilgrimage to Rome where they shared an unforgettable experience of being part of the Holy Church’s family and also as one big family Shalom. Among many other pilgrims, some of them […]

34 graduate from Instituo de Formacion de Laicos

he Spanish-language lay formation program of the Archdiocese of Boston, the Instituto de Formacion de Laicos, graduated 34 laypeople representing 13 parishes from their formation certificate program, May 14, at Immaculate Conception Parish in Everett. Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley celebrated the graduation Mass with 13 priests, including the director of the Hispanic Apostolate Father Francisco […]

Pope at Mass: Firmness of heart

A Christian should have their heart fixed on the Holy Spirit, not a fickle heart that dances from one place to another. This was Pope Francis’ message Monday morning at Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The Pope focused his homily on St. Paul, who was able to continuously evangelize because his heart was made firm […]
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