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Shalom INTERNET-ional prayer meeting

Shalom INTERNET-ional Prayer Meeting: a new initiative of the Holy Spirit

Due to geographical distances not allowing many people to access a Shalom Evangelization Center in their country, the online initiative for vocational training and awakening was born, it is called the INTERNET-ional Prayer Meeting. It is basically a monthly meeting in English with moments of prayer, preaching and sharing on how to make a vocational […]
Second Preparatory Meeting for WYD

Second Preparatory Meeting for World Youth Day Panama 2019

With just six months to go before the next WYD in Panama more than 80 countries from 5 continents sent delegates from their dioceses and ecclesial movements to attend the Second Preparatory Meeting for World Youth Day Panama 2019 with the Local Organizing Committee to know more how Panama has been preparing the organization, accommodation, […]

Vocational discernment meeting 2018

Last Sunday, February, 25th, was a very exciting day for some of the young adults in Boston, EUA, who are trying to find their vocation in the Catholic Church. The shalom vocational discernment path has a different theme each year. For the 2018 year, the theme is “Drawn by You, I want to follow You”. […]
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