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John the Baptist, prophet of Spiritual Joy

“Joy is a mark of those who have had an experience with the Risen One who passed through the cross, for it is one of the fruits of the resurrection: “Jesus came and stood in the midst of them and said to them, ‘Shalom!… After that word He showed them His hands and His side. […]

Novena to Saint Joseph

The Shalom Catholic Community invites you to pray the Novena to Saint Joseph. It can be said at any time of the year, especially on the days surrounding St Joseph’s Feast which this year will be on the 19th of March. Saint Joseph is a dear Saint to our beloved Pope Francis and to many […]

Protection of minors

Guidelines of the Shalom Catholic Community regarding the Protection of Minors and vulnerable people Introduction 1. The Shalom Catholic Community is a private association of the faithful by Canon Law. Its Charism was born from an experience with the Risen One who passed through the Cross and communicates his Peace to the world (cf. Jo […]
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