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Protection of minors

Guidelines of the Shalom Catholic Community regarding the Protection of Minors and vulnerable people Introduction 1. The Shalom Catholic Community is a private association of the faithful by Canon Law. Its Charism was born from an experience with the Risen One who passed through the Cross and communicates his Peace to the world (cf. Jo […]

Celibacy: “A Life that together we choose”

My name is Rayana Soares de Sousa, I am 27 years old, I am a native of Massapê, a little town in the State of Ceará – Brazil, I have been consecrated in the Shalom Life Community and I’ve been a celibate for the Kingdom of Heaven for 6 years. Today I am on mission […]


The word “vocation” comes from the Latin “vocare”, which means “to call”. Vocation is therefore a calling, an appeal. God is the One who, creating man, calls him to life and to a personal relationship with Himself, to love and to holiness. Every man is called to answer to this universal vocation, rooted in the […]

The Shalom Vocation in the Holy Land

The Shalom Catholic Community has two Missions in Israel, Haifa and Nazareth. In Haifa, the Community has done the work of evangelization for almost two decades and today there are 13 missionaries there. The celibate for the Kingdom of Heaven, Marcelo David, is responsible for this Mission and shares with us the graces and challenges in the proclamation of the Gospel in this land.
Shalom Catholic Community assumes ‘San Lorenzo’ International Youth Centre in Rome

Shalom Catholic Community assumes the responsibilities of the ‘San Lorenzo’ International Youth Centre in Rome

On the 13th of March of 1983, St. John Paul presented the young people of the world with a gift. He inaugurated the ‘San Lorenzo’ International Youth Centre, a few feet away from St. Peter’s Square, in Vatican: a welcoming place for pilgrimages, encounters, prayer and evangelisation for all the young people who come to the Eternal city.

Forms of life

Forms of life are a gift from God to each person to unable them to love and to serve Him. The Shalom Community is composed by faithful people from all the forms of life: celibate for the kingdom of heaven, married and single people; priests, deacons and seminarists. United by a consecration of life, they […]

Shalom Catholic Community is the response of God for my life

“We are a family. This is why the Community has as member people of various states of life: celibates for the Kingdom, single men and women, couples, priests, seminarians, deacons, men and women, young and old, married and single people. (...) In the explosion of love of the Trinity that creates all, redeems all and sanctifies all, they find the impetus for their mission” (Statutes of the Shalom Catholic Community - Preamble)
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