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Emmir rezando e usando o dom de línguas

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of tongues

The theme of charisms has returned to current affairs, after a long period1. In fact, we see the rise of the «movement of awakening of the Spirit of larger proportions of the whole history of Christianity», so that this time «presents itself as a time of the charism, reminding us that in reality the time […]

How do I become a missionary of the Shalom Catholic Community?

The vocation to the Shalom Community is a call from God that is addressed to every baptized member of God's people, who having had an experience with the Risen One who has passed through the cross and who baptizes in the Holy Spirit (Jn 20,19- 22), and confessing the Catholic faith, receives the call to follow it according to the spirit of this vocation.

Emmir Nogueira of Shalom visits Sophia

Exchange of gifts during the “culture of encounter” “It’s a joy to be at Sophia today and to testify also through this short visit, to the deep unity which links the Shalom Community and the Focolari Movement. Chiara Lubich is a reference point for us.  Hearing about your experiences gives me the impression of seeing here the […]
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