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Young man with down syndrome questions President of Germany

The German presidential elections are approaching and the candidates are in campaign climate. In this climate, current President Angela Merkel, seeking her re-election, gave an interview on a TV show and was asked a question that left her without reaction. The question was: “Mrs. Merkel, you’re a politician, you make the laws. Nine out of […]

The Holy Father Francis’ video message for the 32nd World Youth Day (Palm Sunday, 9 April 2017)

Today, 21 March 2017, the Holy Father’s Message to young people in preparation for the 32nd World Youth Day 2017 was published. The Day will be celebrated at diocesan level on 9 April 2017, Palm Sunday, on the theme: “The Mighty One has done great things for me” (Luke 1:49). This year, to encourage wider […]

Cardinal Rylko, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, is the new archpriest of the basilica of saint Mary Major

Cardinal Rylko had led the Pontifical Council for the Laity from 2003 until it ceased to exist on September 2016. Pope Francis named the Polish Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko  to the post of archpriest of the basilica of saint Mary Major on last December. Shalom Community missionaries from the missions of Rome and Civita Castellana and many […]

Pope Francis: ‘never lose faith in God’s providential care’

Resuming his ongoing catechesis on Christian hope Pope Francis recalled the courageous figure of Judith, and of how, during the siege of the city of Bethulia by the Assyrian general Holofernes, she urged the despairing population to reinforce its wavering hope in the Lord and ended up proposing a plan that led to victory over […]

President of New Evangelization Council visits Shalom Community in Brazil

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, will visit Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters (Diaconia) in Aquiraz, Brazil, on January 28-31, 2017. His visit is part of Shalom’s 35th anniversary celebrations this year. The Archbishop will participate on the 28th January in a night vigil event for the youth organized by Shalom Community. The […]

“It was God who always provided for us”. A strong testimony of faith from a family of Shalom Covenant Community

“I have been married to Denise for 8 years now, and we have a 2 1/2-year-old daughter”, says Tancredo. He and Denise, his wife, are both members of Shalom Covenant Community, having already made their Definitive Promises. “About 4 years ago we started a long adoption process, since we would not be able to bear […]

Training meeting for worldwide missionaries comes to an end.

AQUIRAZ, Brazil – Representatives of Shalom Catholic Community from 34 countries gathered at Diaconia (Shalom’s headquarters) for a training meeting organized by the Apostolic and Missionary Advisories in the Community. Once a year, missionaries from different countries are able to come together to prayer, to listen to important updates and guidelines, and to receive formation […]
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