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Happy Birthday, Pope Francis!

There was a festive atmosphere at the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, as Pope Francis celebrated his 78th birthday. As he made his way through the crowds, Pope Francis stopped by a group of seminarians from the Legion of Christ, who offered him a birthday cake, complete with lighted candles. The Holy Father also took […]

How I met Pope Francis

During the week before the Canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII, members of Shalom Community from many countries, took part in a pilgrimage to Rome where they shared an unforgettable experience of being part of the Holy Church’s family and also as one big family Shalom. Among many other pilgrims, some of them […]

Shalom Community’s Prayer Campaign: I pray for the Pope!

Shalom Catholic Community has launched a campaign through social media inviting intercessors from all over the world to pray for Pope Francis. The campaign, entitled #IprayForthePope, has already sparked the creativity of many people offering different ways to pray for His Holiness. When the new elected pope approached the central balcony of St Peter’s Basilica, […]
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