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Pope to Israeli President Peres: May Jerusalem be the City of Peace

Pope Francis paid a visit to Israeli President Shimon Peres on the last day of his three day pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  In an encounter with the press ahead of a private meeting, Mr. Peres told the Holy Father peace requires “creativity and inspiration” and observed that Pope Francis possessed both.  For his part, […]

Videos about Shalom Catholic Community

Let us introduce our Community to you through some videos. First is about our approval from Rome on 2012 at Rome Reports. This second one was made by us in 2009 but it explains how we live and what we do. And also the story of the beginning of Shalom Community told by our Founder (Remember to […]

To read and live the word of God

Those who have the Bible as their compass, safe harbour and Light, will never get lost or drown in the sea of despair or walk in the darkness of sin, on the contrary: they are enlightened to live and contemplate the face of Eternal Light.
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