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Shalom Catholic Community is on the way to a new missionary house in the french capital, Paris.

On the solemn Corpus Christi Day, June 18th, Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro – Shalom Catholic Community International Assistant – and Amanda Pinheiro – the future Local Responsible of the first Shalom house in Paris – visited the work in progress of the new Shalom Catholic Community foundation in France, in its capital, the City of Light, […]

Shalom Catholic Community meets the new cardinal of Sweden Monsignor Anders

On Wednesday 14th of June in Rome, at Shalom Catholic Community International Headquarter, a great meeting took place, between the new cardinal Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm, Sweden, the founder of Shalom Catholic Community, Moysés Azevedo, the International Assistant of the Community, Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro and the shalom missionaries of this house. His Grace Anders […]

Shalom Community met the responsibles for the cause for the Canonization of Cardinal Van Thuân

On May 15th, the postulator of the cause for the Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Cardinal Van Thuân, Waldery Hilgeman and Dr. Luisa Melo from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Vatican visited the house of Shalom International Office in Rome.  The holy Mass has been celebrated by Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro, the International […]

Shalom Catholic community participates in the international meeting regarding World Youth Day 2019 and the next Synod of the Bishops in 2018

Between 5 and 9th April, the meeting “From Krakow to Panama – The Synod on the Way with the Young People” is been held in Rome, organized by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The meeting aims to collect the pastoral fruits of the last WYD, held in Krakow, Poland, on July 2016. […]

The next Shalom Community foundation in Poland, in Warsaw

Representatives from Shalom International Assistance and the responsible of Shalom mission in Krakow, Michele Magalhães, are visiting Warsaw – capital of Poland- in order to attend some meetings preparing for the next Shalom Community foundation in the country. On March 2, Shalom members met with the city’s archbishop, Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, in order to define […]

Shalom Catholic Community is opening new missions, Panama, Argentina, Philippines, Poland and in Paris, France.

Shalom Catholic Community is opening new missions, this time in Panama, Argentina, Philippines, Poland and another house in Paris, France. The Community, which was born in Fortaleza, Ceará, celebrates its 35 years anniversary of foundation on July 9th and is already present in 30 countries, 10 in Latin America, 2 in North America and 5 in Africa, […]
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