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The courage to disappear

I know a woman who voluntarily disappeared. No! It’s not one of those thousands of names on a “missing person” police list. On the contrary! She disappeared so much that wasn’t reported in any list, not even in her own family genealogy. She knew that in order to disappear in such a way that she […]

Pope at Angelus: my thoughts with those from missing plane

Pope Francis said on Sunday that “his thoughts are with those on board the missing AirAsia plane that disappeared during a flight between Indonesia and Singapore.”  He added he was also thinking of two separate accidents involving two merchant ships and a ferry in the Adriatic Sea.  “I am close with my affection and prayer,” […]

Common Declaration of Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I

PRIVATE MEETING WITH THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE – COMMON DECLARATION OF POPE FRANCIS AND THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW I Apostolic Delegation (Jerusalem) Sunday, 25 May 2014 1. Like our venerable predecessors Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras who met here in Jerusalem fifty years ago, we too, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, were determined […]

The Patriarch of the Holy Land’s meeting

On March 24th, the  Patriarch of the Holy Land, Fouad Twal met with congregations and religious communities in Nazareth. The Catholic Community Shalom attended this meeting. With words of courage and hope, took us to a meditation on interreligious dialogues and investments of our efforts in promoting peace, family and Christian values​​. “Charity is the […]


Address: Monastery of the Annunciation, Casa Nova Street, POB 23 16100, Nazareth/Israel Phone: Pilgrims’ Office: 00xx972 4 656 0001 Community House: 00xx972 4 646 7277 Head in Charge(mobile): 00xx972 054 2856130 Facebook: Shalom Nazareth Emails:


Tuesday, 8.30pm: Rosary of Nazareth, at the Grotto of the Annunciation Thursday, 8.30pm: Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, at the Grotto of the Annunciation Saturday, 8.30pm: Candlelight Procession, at the Basilica of the Annunciation
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