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Four Tips to live a holy Lent

We are still at the beginning of the Lent, a time where we are called to conversion. This is not a sad time, absolutely, but it is a time of recollection, of inner desert, a time to look inside ourselves, to turn to our family and to the community life. The word “lent” comes from […]

Ronaldo Pereira: a life consumed for God

“I am only happy when I am really tired, consumed by God’s work”, is what Ronaldo Pereira used to say. Ever since his youth, Ronaldo was always a revolutionary lad. During his school years, he was a writer and the editor of the school’s newspaper which had a communist tone. He wanted to finish high-school, […]

Holy Week Retreat 2015

For the third consecutive year Shalom Catholic Community organises a retreat during Holy Week to help people to pray and deepen their understanding on the mysteries of Our Lord Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. As Christians, we know how important this season is to our faith and lives. It is in fact THE most important […]

Pope Francis: homily with announcement of Year of Mercy

Pope Francis presided over a penance service in St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday afternoon, during which he announced an extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy. Below, please find Vatican Radio’s English translation of the Holy Father’s homily, in which he made the announcement. ******** This year as last, as we head into of the Fourth […]

Pope Francis to confessors: be authentically merciful

Pope Francis on Thursday received a group of priests and bishops participating in a special formation initiative of the Apostolic Penitentiary on the internal forum. The Apostolic Penitentiary is the Church tribunal that deals primarily with issues that arise in and around the Sacrament of Confession, as well as the lifting of excommunications reserved to […]

Pope Francis’ message for 2015 World Day of the Sick

The theme of Pope Francis’s message for the World Day of Sick being celebrated on 11 February 2015 is “I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame,” taken from the book of Job. Please find below the English translation of the full text of the Pope’s message:  Sapientia Cordis “I was eyes […]

III Congress of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities

Last week, November 22nd, The III Congress of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities got to its peak after an audience with the participants and the Holy Priest, the Pope, at the Clementina room, Vatican. The Pope encouraged the communities to maintain their fresh charismas, in a constant posture of conversion and mission, always evolving, never […]
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