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Level UP Summer Camp Retreat for young adults

Come and experience the bliss and true joy at Level – Up 2024 hosted by Shalom Catholic Community from May 31st to June 2nd in Ontario. Be witness to mindful serenity, prayer and get–together on an overnight weekend summer camp that involves being closer to God, community, friendships, having fun with exciting games thus making […]

Pope Francis to young people around the world: “Christ lives and loves you infinitely”

25 March marks the 5th anniversary of the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation “Christus vivit”, a message of hope and faith from the Holy Father that resonates in the hearts of Shalom youth. Message of Pope Francis Dear young people, Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive! This certainty always makes my […]
Padre João Chagas Wilkes

“Young people always surprise, they are hope for the Church and for the world”

Father João Chagas, priest and missionary of Life Community, has been on mission in Rome for more than 20 years at the service of the Shalom Catholic Community and the universal church. They were years of "richness", full of experiences marked by the protagonism of young people from all over the world, years which now culminate in his return to Fortaleza, Brazil.

Join our Shalom Open Vocational Discernment Retreat

The Shalom Catholic Community is a family, a Vocation within the Church, which arose from a burning desire to evangelize all people, especially the youth, who are the prime focus of our hearts and mission. We were invited by God to be disciples and ministers of His Peace in the world. We experience and proclaim […]

Shalom Catholic Community: Spreading Joy and Faith in Boston through Evangelization and Community Celebration

The Shalom Catholic Community is a charismatic Catholic community that focuses on the evangelization of the young people in Boston and on nurturing its community, which is open to all! At Shalom, there are many fun events and socials that glorify our God and encourage evangelization. For example, during the winter, we provide hot chocolate […]
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