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What’s up?! Life in Spirit Seminar

we held in May 25 to 26 our first Life in The spirit Seminar for the Youth, in English, "What´s up!" when the participants could experience God´s love , through prayer together with moments of fraternity and fun, and start a new life in Christ! Life in the Spirit Seminar

Life Community

The vocation to Shalom Community might be lived in two complementary dimensions: The Life Community and the Covenant Community. “In Life Community, our realization is no longer in what the world has to offer us, but it will be exactly in the renouncement of all this, for a total dedication to God and to the […]

Covenant Community

The covenant community is called to follow Jesus Christ living amidst Family and professional activities, taking the responsibility to live them according to the Shalom vocation. All the members of the community must be “light for the world and salt for the earth” in the secular ways. They meet twice a week in Community Cells, […]
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