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Pope Francis at audience: our faith an anchor in heaven

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, during which he continued his catechetical reflections on the theme of Christian hope, focusing specifically on the final words of comfort and consolation the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew records Our Lord speaking to the  disciples immediately before ascending […]

Novena to Saint Joseph

The Shalom Catholic Community invites you to pray the Novena to Saint Joseph. It can be said at any time of the year, specially on the days surrounding St Joseph’s Feast which is held on the 19th of March. Saint Joseph is a dear saint to our beloved Pope Francis and to many Catholics around the […]

“It was God who always provided for us”. A strong testimony of faith from a family of Shalom Covenant Community

“I have been married to Denise for 8 years now, and we have a 2 1/2-year-old daughter”, says Tancredo. He and Denise, his wife, are both members of Shalom Covenant Community, having already made their Definitive Promises. “About 4 years ago we started a long adoption process, since we would not be able to bear […]

Shalom Catholic Community opens a new house in Rome

SHALOM COMMUNITY OPENS A NEW HOUSE IN ROME                  On Saturday, 15th October 2016, in the southern part of the Italian capital, in the surroundings of Torvegata University, Shalom Catholic Community opened a new mission house. Reverend Javier Martínez Fernández, archbishop of Granada/Spain, presided over the celebration of the dedication and opening of the […]

Why Panama was chosen to be the place of the next WYD?

KRAKOW, Poland- Pope Francis on Sunday closed the Catholic week-long rally know as World Youth Day on a high, inviting the almost two million young women and men who’d gathered in the land of St. John Paul II to meet him again in 2019 – this time in Panama. “God’s providence is always one step […]

Shalom Community in the Week of Missions in Poland

The Week of missions up to one week before WYD is known also as “Days in the diocese”. It is catechetical sessions held in the host and in nearby dioceses. It began in the edition of Paris in 1997 as a proposal to involve all french people in World Youth Day.  In the opportunity the […]

Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross

A house with open doors where many will come and from where many will leave, having experienced God’s mercy which can transform lives. This is the Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross that is being built at Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters in Aquiraz, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza city, Brazil. Sand and metal so far. […]


The Shalom Catholic Community was founded on 9th July 1982, after that its founder, Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho, had offered his life and youth to take Christ and the Catholic Church to those who were distant, specially, the youth. On 30th June 1980, Pope John Paul II arrived in Brazil for his first visit […]

Follow us on ‪#‎lenteveryday‬

Our small sacrifice of today on our ‪#‎lenteveryday‬ challenge is to start the novena to Saint Joseph. It can be said by anytime of the year, specially around his feast, which is today. His intercession is known as a powerful instrument of God’s providence. Follows the link to the novena: ‪#‎saintjosephprovideforus‬ ‪#‎comshalom‬ ‪#‎instashalom‬ ‪#‎toronto‬‪#‎shalomtoronto‬ ‪#‎catholicchurch‬ […]
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