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First Definitive Promises of a Shalom’ missionary in St John Paul II’s homeland.

This is the first time a missionary of Shalom Community makes Definitive Promises in Poland, the country of St John Paul II whose blessing played a fundamental role in the establishment of the Community in 1980. Jose Carlos Pasternak, missionary of Shalom Catholic Community and a WYD 2016’ volunteer, has made his Definitive Promises in […]

Shalom promoted a retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre

From March 6 to 8, Shalom Catholic Community promoted an opened retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre. Under the theme “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted! (Matthew 5:4) the community invited Portuguese speaking living in the Great Toronto Area to enjoy a different weekend where they could pray and learn more about […]

Pope at Angelus: my thoughts with those from missing plane

Pope Francis said on Sunday that “his thoughts are with those on board the missing AirAsia plane that disappeared during a flight between Indonesia and Singapore.”  He added he was also thinking of two separate accidents involving two merchant ships and a ferry in the Adriatic Sea.  “I am close with my affection and prayer,” […]

More than 50 priests participate of a retreat promoted by Shalom

More than 50 priests participate of the Annual Retreat for Priests, promoted by Catholic Community Shalom at Fortaleza. The 3rd edition of the retreat, that started this Monday (01), has overcome the other years in number of inscriptions, and has participants from many dioceses of Brazil, from Latin America and from the Holy Land. The […]
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