
Shalom holds carnival retreat in more than 50 cities in Brazil


With the proposal of a different Carnival, the Shalom Catholic Community hosts the event Reborn (or Rebirth, depending on the city that is being held) from 7-9th February in more than 50 cities in Brazil. “A Whole New Life” is the inspiring theme of the event this year, which promise along with the contagious joy, an experience of happiness that never ends on Ash Wednesday.


Always with free admission, Reborn was first held in Fortaleza in 1986. A few years later, with the expansion of Shalom Community, several cities have hosted the event, which was named “Rebirth” in some of them.

Reborn gather participants in an open retreat format, the event brings together more than 30,000 people just in Fortaleza, during the three days that it happens. In other cities, the number of participants also grows every year. This shows that more and more people have chosen to celebrate a culture of peace in the carnival, celebration often marked by violence and other factors that wounds human dignity.


A Whole New Life

The heart of Reborn (or Rebirth) is the Life in the Spirit Seminar, held in the afternoon, offered especially for those who are coming for the first to the event. Through preaching, the seminar’s participants can hear more about the Word of God, the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church on the love of God, Sin and Salvation, the Lordship of Jesus Christ and are invited to experience the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit. On the last day, Tuesday (9), they participate in what is called the effusion of the Holy Spirit, a deep moment of prayer and experience with God’s grace.


For those who are not first comers in the event are offered throughout the afternoon different courses to deepen their faith. There, they receive formations about current issues in the light of the Church’s doctrine. Generally, they are offered two or three courses, with subjects related to vocational discernment, youth and the life of  the Church.

The mornings are for both participants, those who are first comers as those who have been before in the event. They are marked by praise and worship, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the main talk on the general theme, this year related to the Divine Mercy and the renewal of our lives from it.

Reborn Kids

Reborn (or Rebirth) Kids is the area for the children. In it, the little ones will also live their experience with the free love of the Lord. Teams of community members and young people who are already in ministry of children facilitate this experience through the mains of arts, games and of course, moments of prayer.


Joy forever!

Ana Gabrielly first attended Reborn on 2014. She never forgot the day when God gave her a new life. “We started with praise and worship, then immediately there was the moment of Adoration, and He changed my life. In each talk, every witness, every smile I was saying to myself, “that’s what I want, I want this eternal joy’. At that moment, I let God come and take His place, which is the center of my life”.

RJ Dom Orani


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