
The Shalom Catholic Community will open three mission houses in different countries

In 2020, three new mission houses will be founded in foreign lands and a new community house will strengthen evangelization in the southeastern region of Brazil.

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Every year the Shalom Catholic Community has tried to respond to the appeal of the Church in the most diverse places on the planet. In 2020 three new mission houses will be founded and a new community house will strengthen evangelization.

Shalom in the land of WYD 2022

Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, will receive six missionaries to compose the World Youth Day (WYD) 2022 office. Father Cristiano Pinheiro, international assistant, says that one day before the Vigil in WYD in Panama, one of the auxiliary bishops of Lisbon asked that the Community contribute to the organization of the event in Portugal. “We were happy with this invitation and began a dialogue with the Lisbon Patriarchate and so everything was formalized”.

Also, according to the priest, the missionaries will focus on WYD. After this period, the Community will develop its evangelizing actions in one of the main capitals of Europe. This will be the third mission of the Community in Portuguese lands. It is already present in the dioceses of Setúbal and Braga.

Shalom in the Far East

In the octave of Easter 2018, Father Cristiano was invited by some bishops from Taiwan to present the Shalom Vocation and the evangelization work of the community with young people. After this meeting, a dialogue began to establish a mission house in the diocese of Hsinchu.

After Manila, in the Philippines, this new mission house reinforces the presence of the vocation in the Far East. “Taiwan is a country with many young people, with few Catholics, few Christians, but with great freedom for evangelization.” The community will be installed in the region of a parish dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, which is located in front of some universities where about twenty thousand students pass.

Shalom on the island of Cuba

After the second half of 2020, the Community must open its first mission house on the island of Cuba. According to the International Assistant, the Community has been in dialogue for some years with the archbishop of the diocese of Santiago de Cuba. The city it is located in the eastern part of the island and is considered one of the most important.

The missionaries who will go to this new mission land have not yet been defined, but the expectation is that the Community will soon be present in another country in Central America carrying out its evangelization actions, as it did in Panama in starting from the preparation for WYD 2019.

Shalom also in Niterói

The number of community missionaries living in the state of Rio de Janeiro will increase. The Community will in fact open a community house in the city of Niterói, thus strengthening the evangelizing action in the southeast region of the country. The idea is to join forces with missionaries who are already active in the city of Florence.


Translation: Michele Volzone


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