Let’s go to Rome! Shalom Convention 2022 13 May 2022 From September 23 to 28, the Community will gather in Rome to renew its life offering at the feet of Pope Francis.
“I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen”, let us be new creatures after the Shalom Youth Congress Alive 2021 14 November 2021 The last day of the Shalom Youth Congress was marked by the presence of the founder of the Shalom Community, who motivated all the Youth to be a joyful witness of the Risen Christ.
Holy Mass opens Ordinary General Assembly of Shalom Catholic Community 27 August 2019 The opening of the Ordinary General Assembly took place last Friday, August 23rd, at "Shalom da Paz" in Fortaleza.
Pope Francis: When we want to give up, God helps us persevere 22 March 2017 On Wednesday Pope Francis said each person must strive to imitate the perseverance and consolation of God, which not only gives us the strength to keep going, but also to help others who are in difficulty. “Perseverance we can also define as patience; it’s the ability to support, to remain faithful, even when the weight […]
Pope Francis to the laity: go out and evangelize, or buy mothballs 30 January 2017 When asked in a new interview what specific mission he has for the laity, Pope Francis responded with a frequent appeal: to go outside of oneself and take risks in evangelizing, rather than staying stuffed up at home while the moths move in. “Sometimes I think the best business we can do with many Christians, […]
Pope Francis’ Letter on the Fifth Centenary of Saint Teresa of Avila’s Birth 30 March 2015 [St. Teresa] asks us to be perseverant, faithful even in the midst of aridity, personal difficulties or the pressing needs that call us. Here is the translation of Pope Francis’ letter to Fr. Saverio Cannistra, Superior General of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, on the occasion of the fifth centenary celebration of St. Teresa of […]
Pope Francis: Judge not and self-accusation 3 March 2015 (2nd March, 2015) It is easy to judge others, but we can only progress on our Christian journey in life if we are capable of judging ourselves first, said Pope Francis at Monday morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The readings of the day focused on the subject of mercy. The Pope, recalling that “we […]
The love of Christ can restore to spouses the joy of journeying together.Homily of Pope Francis 15 September 2014 Today’s first reading speaks to us of the people’s journey through the desert. We can imagine them as they walked, led by Moses; they were families: fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, grandparents, men and women of all ages, accompanied by many children and the elderly who struggled to make the journey. This […]
Pope Francis leads Corpus Domini celebrations 20 June 2014 Pope Francis celebrated Mass at Rome’s cathedral Basilica of St John Lateran on Thursday evening, to mark the Solemnity of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, often known by the abbreviations of its Latin name, Corpus Domini or Corpus Christi. Mass was followed by the traditional torchlight Eucharistic procession, in […]
Pope Francis: Church a Mother not a NGO 18 June 2014 Pope Francis opened the Ecclesial Convention of the Diocese of Rome on Monday night, emphasizing the Church’s role of Mother in a society where more and more children are leading the life of an orphan. Pope Francis began his remarks by stating that over the past year, he has made numerous parish visits in the […]