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Solemnity of the Saint Joseph – Nazareth – Israel

40904Wednesday , March 19 , true to tradition , the entire Church celebrated the Solemnity of St. Joseph in Nazareth , the Latin parish , surrounded by numerous friends communities , met the entrance of the Basilica of the Annunciation , the sound of  Scouts and drums . Fr Bruno , Rector and Guardian of the sanctuary , and the priests of the parish , Fr Amjad and Fr Ossama , gave the welcome to the Custos Fr Pizzaballa . This ceremony is marked by the entry into the Basilica , on the eve , the Father Custos , following in procession to the Grotto , coating with priestly vestments and presiding at the Mass in the upper Basilica .
The children of the parish who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, dressed in white and wearing flowers in their hands , took that moment and then the solemn liturgy , animated by the Parish Choir , directed by Haig Vosgueritchian . Br Amjad , in his homily , recalled the example of tenacity , diligence and responsibility of José S is for Christians . It was this righteous man who asked nothing and give everything he accepted . He calls us to action , courage and not be afraid of what exceeds our forces or who is incomprehensible and inexplicable . Model for every parent , it is also for each Friar and Priest , as was the guard of the Virgin and Jesus.
In the final procession , incense mingled with the voices , while the Father Custos bore the image of St. Joseph the church of the saint. The cult of St. Joseph grew up around his house , on which several churches were built , even built by the Franciscans in 1914 . I Franciscans , in fact , were one of the first communities to celebrate the ‘ carpenter of Nazareth , ” already at the end of the fourteenth century. The Franciscan spirituality reserve special place to this patron of the Church , Father of Earth Salvador , Custodian of the Redeemer and Spouse of the Virgin .
The Catholic Community Shalom present in Nazareth, attended the celebration in communion with the whole local church.
The Solemnity of St. Joseph opens the liturgical season of Nazareth , where the Shrine of Nazareth is honored . A downbeat ending on Tuesday next , with the celebration of the Annunciation , in the presence of S.B. Patriarch Fouad .
Font: Fonte: Custodia Terrae Sanctae


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