
The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Shalom spirituality


In this month of June, which is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Catholic Church, Daniel Ramos, current Local Responsible of Shalom Catholic Community in Toulon told us about how the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is lived in Shalom Catholic Community spirituality.

“Shalom Catholic Community adores and venerates the sacred heart of Jesus. The Community, in its spirituality, contemplates and adores the heart of Jesus, resurrected and opened. Jesus’ heart is not only adored on the top of the Cross as a lifeless heart from which flows water and blood. Certainly, we cannot separate Jesus’ resurrection from his passion, we cannot separate what has been united in the heart of Christ, that is the paschal mystery. It is a unique reality, a love lived to the end that integrates death into life.


“Jesus’ heart is not a dead heart, but a heart that destroyed death and destroyed it from inside because it is a heart who lives to love”

Paschal mystery is God’s wisdom who grasps the evil that man has done. Jesus took upon Him the evil, the sin of the world, and transformed it into the path of life because he did not pay evil with its weapons. Jesus’ heart is not a dead heart, it is a heart that passed through death, destroying it from inside because it is a heart full of love. Jesus’ heart is the very place of love, where the Father’s love is revealed by His Son’s face. This sweet and humble heart is a heart that loves to the end. Death can not grasp it. This heart overflowing with infinite love destroyed death’s power. A heart that could not remain in the hands of death, but it is raised.

“In the intimacy of Jesus’ heart there is room only to love, to self-giving, to welcome God and the other as they are.”

Shalom Catholic Community in its spirituality adores risen Jesus’ heart who passed through the Cross and has. It is a heart overflowing with Trinitarian life that touched by Thomas, gave him an experience of all the resurrection’s power. The spirituality of Shalom Catholic community is an instrument of Jesus’ resurrection power to the world. That is why, in this month of the sacred heart of Jesus, we adore his victorious heart that has won death. Moreover Jesus’ death assumed the death of every human being. Every sin has been destroyed from inside. All the sins of humanity were destroyed from inside because Jesus loved to the end. Jesus’ heart is the place where we adore the Father. According to the evangelist Saint John the body of Jesus has become the true temple where we adore the Father in Spirit and Truth. In Jesus’ body we venerate his heart that is the place of his intimacy, where there is room only to love, to self-giving, and to welcome God and the other as they are.

We find Jesus’ resurrected heart in the Eucharist. It is also very beautiful to see that immediately after the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi  the Catholic Church few days later adores the Sacred heart of Jesus. In Shalom Catholic Community, we find the living heart of Jesus present in the Eucharist. It is where we find the risen and living heart of risen Jesus who passed through the cross. Moreover, all St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque mystic experiences were mainly lived before the Blessed Sacrament what gives us an idea of the intimate union between the mystery of the Eucharist and the mystery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

As Shalom Catholic Community, we desire to live the union between the mystery of the Eucharist and the mystery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Daniel Ramos
Interview by comshalom


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