
Fr. Antonio Furtado, Shalom Life missionary visits the house of the Community in Nazareth

Padre Antônio Furtado. Fotos: Daniel Mafra/ CançãoNova

On February the missionaries of Shalom Life and Covenant Community who live in Nazareth, Israel received a special guest, fr. Antonio Furtado. He’s been missionary in Fortaleza, Brazil for more than 15 years as priest and he is a great communicator of God’s mercy by the AM Radio 690 where he daily prays the Chaplet of Mercy and presents the “Living Time” program which takes people who assist them to have a greater experience of the Gospel.

Currently, Father Antonio Furtado is chaplain of the Shalom Catholic Evangelization Center Meireles, where he develops his ministry as confessor and celebrates Mass on Sundays and Thursdays, this comes together 4-5 thousand people weekly.


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