
Covenant Community: seeds of peace in the world

The vocation to Shalom Catholic Community can be experienced in two complementary dimensions: Life Community and Covenant Community.


Covenant Community receives the call to offer their lives to Christ in the midst of family and professional activities, taking on the commitment to live according to the spirit of this Charism.  

The members called to Covenant Community are willing to embrace their call radically and live it in all its fullness, along with all the sacrifices and blessings that this call brings to their lives. They remain in their families, homes and their own activities and jobs. They embrace a particular call to community life, in which they find the strength and fruitfulness of the Spirit to permeate and change their entire family, professional, social and apostolic life  with our Charism.

Nourished by the life in the Spirit, they find in communal life the path to share their lives, blessings and challenges, and spiritual and material goods. They embrace a life of prayer, fraternity as well as a common apostolate for the good of the Church and service to all mankind according to the Charism.

Covenant Community members organize themselves into Community Cells together with the Life Community in order to develop and encourage their spiritual, fraternal and apostolic life, according to the proper spirit of the Shalom Community Vocation. Such Cells meet twice a week: once for formation and other for prayer.

The call to unite life of deep prayer to apostolic, fraternal, professional and family life is essential in the Shalom Community Vocation. Daily Eucharist is the indispensable foundation for those who are called to Covenant Community. It is the center of our whole Christian and communal life. On Sundays, the members of Life Community and Covenant Community gather together for the Eucharistic celebration, sealing their vocational, communal and ecclesial unity.



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