
Moved by compassion, close to those who suffer


Lucia Ponzo is a member of the Shalom Catholic Community in the Italian Diocese of Acqui Terme. For three years she has been the coordinator of the “Mother of Sorrows” Ministry, which also includes four other members of Shalom prayer group.

In an interview with comshalom (SH), Lucia Ponzo talks about the activities carried out by the Ministry for the sick and elderly.

SH: What are the goals of the Mother of Sorrows?

Lucia: The main goal of our ministry is to get out from ourselves and become an instrument and channel of God’s grace for our brothers and sisters; it is trying to make concrete the acts of Mercy.

SH: What kind of activities do you do?

Lucia: Together we make visits to the elderly in a rest home where we recite the Holy Rosary. We also visit a family in the area who we support by listening and through prayer.

To prepare ourselves adequately for each meeting, we gather in prayer before the Tabernacle of a Church, we entrust ourselves to the Lord to prepare our hearts and make us capable of announcing His Love with joy to the people we are going to meet.

At the same time, we pray that we can listen to their hearts, to their sufferings, fears, doubts and difficulties, trying to support them with our closeness and our prayers.

We always ask for the intercession of the Most Holy Mary, the One who brought into her heart the weight of the pains of Her Son Jesus, so that she may support these people.

SH: What are the fruits of this ministry in your life and in the life of those you serve?

Lucia: If I look at the path I have travelled over the years, I see the work of God that intervenes in our lives, follows us in a personal way, guides us towards the brothers who need listening, consolation and hope.

Every week the elderly people await us with anticipation so that we can touch their hearts and yield the fruits of a smile, a handshake, a hug, together with attention, listening and the desire to be comforted.

We can not do anything but praise the Lord for doing wonders in our lives and making us more and more aware of the beauty of serving him in our brothers.


Translation: Jhoanna Climacosa


Read more: The announcement of the Good News to the poor by the Shalom Community


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