
Shalom Catholic Community now has 3 new deacons and 3 new priests

The ordination in the middle of a pandemy marks a new time in Church: God keeps raising new vocations to His people.


New Deacons

In december 8th, day of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, were ordained 13 new deacons to Fortaleza’s Archdiocese, being 3 of them from Shalom Life Community(Adauto José de Oliveira Junior, Kássio Célio Moura e Saulo Maia Dantas). The Eucharistic Celebration, which respected all sanitary orientations, was presided by Don José Antônio Aparecido Tosi Marques(Archbishop of Fortaleza) and was transmitted for thousands of people through YouTube. Moysés Azevedo, founder of Shalom Community, was commenting on the mass. This year news was the transmission in Libras(Brazilian language of signs), which helped people with hearing deficiency participation. 


In his sermon, Don José highlighted that “we are all poor and limited and we need God’s prodigies. We have to recognize that our life only has a meaning when united to the Creator- when a man tries to build something far from this fountain he falls in disgrace, in an abyss, in confusion.”

However-pointed Don José-, “God’s love doesn’t let itself win by human inconsequence, by men who want to be like gods, and then feel ashamed of themselves, hide when they face themselves before their nudity. His love is immutable, infinite, promises and fulfills.”

The Archbishop concluded saying that the Deacon is a servant, just as Jesus, who made himself The servant, took the shape of a man and bound himself before a hurted humanity to bring up all those who had fallen.


New Priests

Three deacons from Shalom Catholic Community were ordained priests on december 12th, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of Latin America, at Shalom da Paz, Fortaleza. The Eucharistic Celebration to the priestly ordination was presided by Fortaleza’s archbishop, Don José Antônio.

Were ordained priests: Deacon Neilson Pereira, Deacon Rafael Araújo and Deacon Roberto Pereira, all missionaries of Shalom Life Community.


Priestly motto

Each new priest brings with him a priestly motto, that will lead him through the rest of his life. Know more about the deacons that were ordained priests mottos:

Father Neilson Pereira

“I shall take up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” (Psalms 115; 13)

Father Rafael Araújo

“I have loved you just as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love.” (John 15; 9)

Father Roberto Pereira

“There is nothing I cannot do in the One who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4; 13)


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