
International meeting of the Shalom Work gathers people from more than 10 countries


Last Sunday, July 6th, several members of the Shalom Work gathered to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Shalom Catholic Community. In the International Gathering were people from India, Malaysia, Canada, El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Philippines, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, and Cameroon. Alive in Christ, are online prayer groups that make possible the diffusion of the Charisma to the more distant places, and thus, answer the call to announce the Gospel to the ends of the earth. 

The celebration of the International Gathering of the Shalom Work was marked by much praise, everyone thanked God for what He was accomplishing in their lives, especially recognizing all that is being done from the Charisma Shalom. Soon after, there was a moment of intercession for all humanity, and ended with a moment of offering when they had the opportunity to offer their own lives to God, as Moysés, the founder, did in 1982 in the moment of the Eucharistic celebration with Pope John Paul II. 

In the Shalom Charism it is natural to recognize oneself from the Gospel of Matthew 10:8 “Freely you have received, freely give,” and in this desire to unite with Christ, the participants sang “Offering” from the Shalom Missionary. The meeting was held with two presenters taking turns between English and Spanish.

Adriana Rivera and Mylene Otou, missionaries of the Shalom community were the hosts of this encounter.

At the end, the participant Meharnosh, from India, testified in English that it was very strong to be able to feel part of the prayer also when they were praying in Spanish, he saw how universal the charism really was, how this Gift of God is for everyone, and so in this spirit that we are one big family, that we are a people that the Lord has chosen, we will continue to offer our lives, so that many others can know Him.

Be part of the Shalom Charism, what we have to offer is what we experience, the joy that does not pass, the peace of the Risen One who went through the cross.

Read: Two members of the Group Alive in Christ join the Community of Life

Group Alive in Christ





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