
7 Characteristics of Young People Transformed by the Power of God, by Father Cristiano Pinheiro

In addition to Father Cristiano Pinheiro, the Youth Congress will also feature sermons from Emmir Nogueira and Moysés Azevedo.


On this Marian day, October 12, when the Church in Brazil celebrates its patroness, Our Lady of Aparecida, and the beatified Carlo Acutis, the Shalom Youth Congress hosted the sermon titled “The Power of God in the Lives of Young People,” delivered by Father Cristiano Pinheiro, a priest of the Life Community.

Using examples from saints such as Blessed Carlo Acutis, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, and the Virgin Mary, Father Cristiano showed how the Holy Spirit transforms the lives of young people. He also deepened the theme based on the passage from Isaiah 6:1-8.

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Here are seven characteristics of God’s power in the lives of young people:

  1. Seraphic Young People
    “Young people with hearts of fire! They have the mission to ignite the world with divine love. They are so close to God that they have this burning fire in their hearts.”
  2. Cherubic Young People
    “Isaiah embraces the truth about himself: He finally becomes who he was created to be. He recognizes that he was born to live immersed in the holiness of God, close to Him and His holiness, like a cherub. A friend of God, immersed in His glory, becoming a prophet, a missionary. Now he has the inner strength to respond to God’s call in his life!”
  3. Enthusiastic Young People
    “It is the inner strength of those who have God within!”
  4. Dynamited Young People
    “Dynamis symbolizes the transformative power of God, making the impossible possible! It transforms reality. It is an explosion of God’s grace within our lives.”
  5. Inflamed Young People
    “The power of God in a young person’s life works wonders and reaches the ends of the earth.”
  6. Magnanimous Young People
    “Thérèse, from a spoiled and extremely sensitive child, became a young woman who experienced the POWER of God’ and, from this experience, became a fisher of men, a bride of Jesus, and a spiritual mother.”
  7. Holy Young People
    “The power of God in us provokes in us a DECISION FOR HOLINESS!”

This was the first of three sermons at the SYC. The second will take place this afternoon, delivered by Emmir Nogueira, co-founder of the Shalom Community, and the third will be tomorrow with Moysés Azevedo. Click here to participate live in the SYC!

You Were Born for the Mission!

The SYC pilgrimage is not an end, but a significant milestone in the lives of young Shalom members. On the left side of the main entrance, there are mission sending stands with three ways of sending. Visit them and immerse yourself in the missionary experience.

And if the missionary desire burns in your heart, take a courageous step, access this form, and learn more about the discernment process for missionary sending in the Shalom Community.


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