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The Sacred in Shalom Music

“The Sacred has always been very important in our vocation, because, even, we are consecrated. The Sacred is the place where God dwells, it is what is set apart for God”, says Moysés Azevedo, founder of the Shalom Catholic Community. In 2019, during the Listening Retreat, God spoke about the Sacred in the Shalom Vocation, […]


O Reviver já começou! Você já pensou em passar um carnaval diferente? Diferente como? Cheio da Graça do Amor de Deus! Se a resposta é sim, não deixe de participar deste evento organizado em todo o Brasil por nossa Comunidade, entre os dias 7 e 9 de Fevereiro. No Reviver teremos Pregações, Apresentações Artísticas, Cursos […]


“What should we do, Lord, if not love you completely, with all we are! To give ourselves to you with all our weakness and, despite it, to live for you and to be the servants of your Kingdom?” (Written Espousal Love). Shalom’s Spirituality is based on the unconditional love, “espousal”, to Jesus Christ and in […]