
“Agere in persona Christi capitis” by Fr. Joao Paulo D. M. Dantas


Agere in persona Christi capitis: a clarification on the systematic Theology of the ordained ministry”

 By Dr. Fr. Joao Paulo D. M. Dantas

The author presents a summary of his doctoral research entitled  “In persona Christi capitis: il ministro ordinato come rappresentante di Cristo capo della Chiesa nella discussione teologica da Pio XII fino ad oggi”. Its preface was written by Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes.  In the research he studied the origin, the biblical-theological sense, the importance and the way in which the expression “in persona Christi capitis” is used in the post-conciliar magisterium and in contemporary theology.

The formula “in persona Christi capitis” officially joins the theological vocabulary of the ordained ministry with the Second Vatican Council (Presbyterorum Ordinis n. 2). This expression was prepared by the Magisterium of Pius XII, in his encyclical Mediator Dei (1947) the Pope stated: “Christifidele sautem per sacerdotis manus Sacrificium offerre ex eo patet, administer personam Christi utpote Capitis gerit”.

This expression was established with the purpose of saying the specific nature and mission of the ministerial priesthood which is, as Lumen Gentiun n. 10 remember us, essentially distinguished the common priesthood of the faithful.

Those who act “in persona Christ capitis” are, by virtue of the sacramental configuration with Christ impressed in them by the character, living struments through which Christ proclaims the Gospel, sanctifies and guides men on the way of the Kingdom.

The research begins with a view of the biblical meaning of Christ’s headship, after which it proposes a historical-theological leading down to the coining of the expression in the context of Vatican II. The research presents the theological meaning of that expression and finally presents the importance of the expression “in persona Christi capitis” for contemporary theology.

Pe Joao Paulo Dantas 2

(Extracts from Fr Dantas’ keynotes of his address at VII Fota International Liturgy Conference in Cork, Irleand, July 2014)


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