
Bishop of Brooklyn, Most Rev. Robert Brennan, celebrates Holy Mass at the SYC

The Shalom youth celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Aparecida with a Holy Mass, presided over by Most Rev. Robert Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn.

Foto: Comshalom

On the second day of the Shalom Youth Congress (SYC), the youth celebrated the memory of Our Lady of Aparecida, patroness of Brazil, in a special way. United to the Heart of Jesus through the intercession of Mary, all participated in the Holy Mass in honor of the Virgin, presided over by Most Rev. Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York (NY).

Bishop Robert first encountered the Shalom Catholic Community in NY. His experience with their Charism sparked his curiosity to attend the SYC and share this moment of communion with the youth.

The true fisherman is Jesus

In his homily, the American bishop shared the story of the apparition of Our Lady of Aparecida, relating the casting of the nets by the simple fishermen to the moment when Peter cast his nets into the sea and encountered Jesus, being called to follow Him.

“They thought they were fishermen, but it is Jesus who is the true fisherman, the one who draws us into His Sacred Heart.”

Bishop Robert then told the youth that Christ is present in our everyday lives, in our ordinary moments. Even when we are confused and overwhelmed by emotions, He is there:

“After the Resurrection, Peter was filled with emotions: the sorrow, the disappointment, the joy of hearing about the empty tomb, the fear of meeting Jesus after denying Him. The message of Aparecida shows that Jesus comes to meet us in the ordinariness of our lives. He comes to be with us in great moments, like the wedding at Cana, in our best efforts, in our sorrows, disappointments, and disillusions. He even comes to meet us in our deepest sins. He meets us with words of mercy: Do you love me?”

Thus, the bishop reminds us that “without Jesus, our nets are always empty.” He is the true fisherman who catches us and makes us His fishermen.

Silent and attentive hearts

At the end of his homily, Bishop Robert asked everyone to close their eyes and, in the silence of their hearts, repeat the prayer that Saint Francis recited before the crucifix:

“Great and Glorious God, my Lord Jesus Christ, enlighten my spirit and dispel the darkness of my soul!

Give me a pure faith, a firm hope, and perfect charity!

Grant me, my God, the discernment to fulfill your perfect and holy will.”

The SYC continues

The SYC continues on October 12 and 13, and you can still participate, either in person at the CFO or from your own home through the Shalom Play platform.


International Shalom Youth Congress
Date: October 10-13
Location: Olympic Training Center (CFO)
Address: Av. Alberto Craveiro (Castelão), Fortaleza-CE.
Registration: here
More information:







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