
Convention 2017: The international Shalom Youth Congress


During Shalom Convention where we are going to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Community, right after our encounter with the Holy Father, Shalom youth, from all around the world, is going to meet up for a very special event. Vitor works in the Youth Advisory in the Diaconia, in Brazil, which is organizing the event. 

“Shalom Community’s Youth is invited to renew its life offering and is going to be sent as protagonists of today’s evangelisation.”

For the 35th anniversary of the Community, for which God starts a new time of graces, Shalom Youth Congress (SYC) is very important. The SYC became an annual meeting of young people of Shalom Community, which is already a great grace. Rome, in the heart of the celebration of our 35 years, after an encounter with Pope Francis, is going to be, for sure, even more special.

The SYC will be the strong moment of Shalom Convention where we will meet as Shalom Youth, as a community which gives the primacy to young people. It will be the occasion for Shalom Youth to be together and listen to God’s voice. Listening to His voice, once again, offer our lives for the mission, and being sent in mission.

We were born from a life offering of our founder, Moysés Azevedo, who at 20 years old, at the feet of John Paul II, gave his life for the evangelisation of the other young people. Today, Shalom Community’s Youth is invited to do the same: to renew its life offering and is going to be sent as protagonists of today’s evangelisation. And to give Peace to the World by this Charisma of Peace.

“Shalom Charisma is expressed in its purest way when young people become actors of the evangelisation.” 

I hope SYC will bring to the young people the fruits of a vocational discovery and to listen to the voice of God. May this Congress be a place to see the manifestation of God, of all He wants from us, from today’s youth. I am pretty sure that it is going to happen. May the young people be convinced of that!

In Shalom Community, young people have the primacy, and are not only the protagonists of our evangelisation action. Shalom Charisma becomes clearer when young people become actors of the evangelisation, just like is the Charisma would be expressed in the purest way, and that way, attracts more young people to God.

I hope that SYC will give many vocational fruits, lots of protagonism, of passion for God’s will. Fruits of praise to God, of glorification of the Lord so we can, reunited all together, celebrate God’s victory in our lives. The experience of God who transformed our lives, our youth.  

I am waiting for a new generation, for young people who are part of God’s Holy People. The birth of a generation which is living radicality, holiness, and which desires to follow Jesus with all its forces.

Vitor Aragão de Carvalho


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