
GA 2024: General Assembly concludes its work; learn more

From August 16th to 30th, the General Assembly of the Shalom Community took place, electing the new General Council and defining actions for the 2024-2029 five-year period.

Trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Ordinária 2024. FOTO: COMSHALOM

Since the 16th, nearly 300 members of the Community of Life and Covenant gathered at the Santa Teresa Spirituality Center in Fortaleza for GA2024. During this period, they dedicated themselves to prayer, reviewing actions, planning, and sharing as part of a discernment process that began in February, focused on electing delegates and defining the themes discussed at the General Assembly.

Synodal Path

One of the hallmarks of this Assembly was listening to God and to the brothers throughout the preparation process for the GA celebration. In February, the Community held three online meetings with all its members. In March, all the consecrated members of Life and Covenant Community in the retreat to elect the AG2024 delegates, in a spirit of unity and desire to discern God’s will for the Community.

Among the 290 delegates were couples, celibates, and priests from nearly 30 countries where the Community is present, with significant participation. A concrete outcome of this experience will be the final AG2024 document, which will provide guidelines for the Community’s missionary actions over the next five years.

Read more: GA 2024 Marks Kairos in the Mission of the Shalom Community

A New Time Marked by Joy

The 2024 General Assembly also symbolizes the beginning of a new era in the government of the Shalom Community, especially with the update of our governance structures and the regionalization of the General Government, aiming to bring the missions closer to the heart of the Shalom Work.

On August 22nd, the new General Council of the Community was elected, reflecting the internationalization of the Charism with the inclusion of 7 regional representatives from the 5 continents where the Community is present. Representatives of life states were also included, with the addition of the Marriage and Celibacy animators, along with the person responsible for the Community’s priests.

In total, 27 brothers and sisters, including elected and appointed members, make up the General Council for the 2024-2029 period, with the mission of assisting the General Moderator in governing the Community.

Read more: GA 2024: Shalom Community Elects New General Council

A New Pentecost

In the first days, the Assembly members participated in a two-day retreat led by the Community’s founder and General Moderator, Moysés Azevedo, deepening the experience of the Life in the Holy Spirit Seminar. From these retreat days, a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit initiated the work.

Gathered as a family, the members of this GA experienced moments of fraternity, fellowship, and sharing. Every day was filled with intercession from the entire Community, united in the Circles of Jericho, promoted by the missions, the vigils held at CEST during the Assembly, and the brothers’ communal prayer.

Special Coverage

The experience of the disciples in the Upper Room could also be felt by all those who followed the coverage of the 2024 Ordinary General Assembly. For the first time, the Shalom Family Bulletin was produced in other languages, making it more accessible to missions outside Brazil. Many missions also followed the Opening Mass of GA2024, held at the Church of the Risen Christ who passed through the Cross.

On this occasion, the Dedication of the Church of the Risen Christ who passed through the Cross was announced, to be celebrated on November 1st, All Saints’ Day.

What happens next?

With the conclusion of GA2024, a new chapter begins in this new missionary cycle. After the work is finished, the final document of the 2024 General Assembly will be finalized and made available to local, regional, and general governments, so that the Community can move forward with the proposed resolutions. Let us remain in a spirit of intercession for all the fruits of this General Assembly in the life of the Community.

See Moysés Azevedo’s words after the General Assembly:


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