
The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of faith

The Charisms of the Spirit, conferred to all in Baptism and intensified in Confirmation, are also called gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts He enables us to serve the Church of Christ.


The charismatic gift of faith is the power of God that moves us to an intimate trust that God will act. This trust leads to a convinced prayer, a decision, a firmness or some other act that releases the blessing of God.

Through the charismatic gift of faith, the Holy Spirit gives us the certainty that God will act, that the power of God will intervene in some situation in human life. Through the charismatic gift of faith, we believe that God works wonders for his people today. Faith moves the manifestation of the power of God through His Holy Spirit.

“[…] if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (Jn 11:40). It is faith that makes man of all times see the glory of God. The virgin Mary realizes faith in the most perfect way to obedience. In faith, Mary accepted the proclamation and the promise brought by the angel.

Mary’s faith never wavered. She never ceased to believe in the fulfilment of God’s word. and so the Church venerates in Mary the purest realization of faith. (CCC 149)

It is to this faith of Mary, of Abraham, of Moses and of the other witnesses of the faith that we must adhere with all our hearts, so that this same faith may enlighten us and lead us in times of trial.


Our collaboration is essential

The charisms of the Spirit, conferred on all in Baptism and intensified in Confirmation, are also called the gifts of the Holy Spirit. With these gifts He enables us to serve the Church of Christ through our brothers. The charisms are therefore powerful gifts for the service of the Christian community.

But there are conditions for receiving and persevering in the charismatic life: simplicity and purity of heart; assiduity of meditation on the Word of God; life of prayer; desire to serve brothers like Jesus (Lk 22:27); perseverance in receiving spiritual gifts (always open to being channels of action and to the power of the Spirit).

Our collaboration is essential. God doesn’t want us to be robots that act independently, as mechanical beings. Respect our freedom and our consent. If we believe, we say yes to what the Lord wants to accomplish in us. Mary Most Holy is the model of total openness: “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Lk 1:38).

Translation: Jhoanna Climacosa




Bíblia Ave-Maria
Estudo Bíblico Enchei-vos
Carismas – Coleção Paulo Apóstolo
O despertar dos Carismas
Catecismo da Igreja Católica
Christisfidelis Laice
Como usar los carismas – Benigno Juanes
Lumen Gentium


The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of science

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of tongues

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of discernment

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of wisdom

The gifts of the Holy Spirit: The gift of prophecy


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