
Shalom Community held the retreat Healed to Love in London

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The Shalom Catholic Community in London (UK) led a course called Healed to Love, on the last weekend of March. The course is part of the Ordo Amoris way, a set of five retreat-courses that has self-knowledge and inner healing as its background. The aim of these courses is to help people to put the different areas and life experiences in the order of love (“ordo amoris”) and, by doing so, to lead a more mature Christian life and an authentic life of holiness.


Here are some testimonials from those who participated in our retreat last month:


Daiane Ribeiro
Daiane Ribeiro

“Through the retreat Healed to Love, God came to reveal and to speak to my heart that He is rebuilding my story. I realise that I wanted to rewrite my story of life with my own hands, my own strength, but today God came to give me the chance to build a new story of life along with Him. A new story based upon Him, based upon what He wants for me. Today I can say that I come out of this retreat as a new woman, full of hope and courage even though knowing that life will always challenge me. I can say that I go back home with courage and trust in the One who have always been there with me and who will continue to be there in every moment” (Daiane Ribeiro)



Veronica Ribeiro
Veronica Ribeiro

“I can say that it was a new experience where He, who makes all things new, also did a new work in my life. I feel very touched although my heart can’t explain how. It is as if all gaps in my heart has been fulfilled. These were moments full of graces, of many discoveries; many things came out to light in a new and different way. I feel that my heart is being touched and remodelled by God and I believe this is something that is going to linger for more days. I’d like to leave my invitation for those who will enrol in this retreat: do not miss the opportunity! God will heal you to love so that you can be free and to re-establish in you the dignity of being the children of God that you are!” (Veronica Ribeiro)




Monica de Jesus Novac
Monica de Jesus Novac

“If I was to summarize what was for me the highest moment during the retreat Healed to Love I’d say that it was forgiveness. We had here a special moment to forgive and to grant forgiveness. Only then we can fulfil the mission God has for each one of us. The most important to us, in our personal mission either in married life or in a specific vocation one is called to is the mission to live out love. I leave here feeling as a free woman. I feel that the intent of this retreat is that we can feel free, free to freely love, to love our neighbours, to love ourselves and to love God who never gave up on us. He is the One who has always been faithful to us with His love.” (Monica de Jesus Novac)




The Ordo Amoris way was built out of the necessity to answer the struggles and meaningless life of modern time men, helping him to grow in human, spiritual and emotional maturity. It is a safe road of prayer towards inner healing and inner freedom.


The five retreat-courses of the Ordo Amoris way are:

You are Preciousaims the healing of self-image for those who wish to reflect God’s glory in their lives;

Human Maturityfor those who wish to evaluate their own maturity and move forward in order to reach it;

Inner Freedomthis course aims to lead each participant to a baptism of faith, hope and charity as a means to reach inner freedom;

Weaving the Golden Threadit is an itinerary to discover God’s love throughout our lives, a road of reconciliation with our own history, the healing of our identity and emotional life as a way to enable us to live what God wants for us;

Healed to Lovea path of self-knowledge and inner healing walked side by side with Jesus of Nazareth.


Check out some pictures of the retreat:

Retreat Healed to Love in London
Pictures of the Retreat Healed to Love in London


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