
New deacons, new seminarians: a gift for the Church and for humanity


This year Shalom Catholic Community rejoices with nine members that will receive the gift of diaconal ordination and with nine members who start into the formation path in view of the priesthood as new seminarians. Now there are already 92 seminarians within the Community on the way for the priestly vocation.

According with our Statutes among the brothers called to celibacy for the kingdom, the Lord awakens vocations to the priesthood as Life and Covenant Community and also seminarians, deacons and diocesan priests who feel the calling of the Lord to become shalom missionaries are welcomed to be part of our family.

In the Community, the priest is a legitimate member and fully lives the spirituality and apostolic service in communion with the others brothers and sisters. He is a “brother among the brothers” and called to be an example of pastoral dedication and to generate reconciled life.

Now the Community has 25 priests members of the Community of Life, 24 priests members of Covenant Community and 10 deacons awaiting presbyteral ordination.


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COMUNITA’ CATTOLICA SHALOM – International Assistance

Current Account: 100000008887 | Bank: Banca Prossima


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IBAN: IT40W0335901600100000008887

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