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Emmir’s teaching at Acamps: God’s Love is….

God loves you. It is a statement that many people heard all throughout their lives, many times accompanied by false or distorted visions of what God’s love is like. But God’s love is different from what we often imagine. On the second day of the Acamps Summer Festival Emmir Nogueira talked about God’s love, about […]

“It was born in us a missionary desire as a family”

Higor Fontoura is a Brazilian member of Shalom Catholic Community who has been lived in Boston, USA as a missionary with his family since 2011. His wife Mariana Fontoura is also a member of Shalom Covenant Community and they have 3 beautiful children that fill them with pride and happiness, the older Amanda is 15 years old, Higor Filho is 9 years old and Isabella is 1.
Registration to the next WYD are in full gear

Registration to the next WYD are in full gear

Less than a year to go to the WYD in Panama (January 22-27 2019). Preparations in the Central American country are in full gear especially after Pope Francis officially opened registrations last February. Over 40 thousand signed up in less than a week, divided into 1000 groups. The preparations to welcome over half million youths are in full gear. We discussed the organization of the event with Fr João Chagas, Director of the Youth Office of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life.

Christian Carnival attracted 130,000 in Brazil

Brazilian Carnival is largely known is a huge festival with organized parades, samba and dancers. Every year lots of people join the festival held in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Pernambuco and Bahia, where take place the biggest parties. However, it has been increasing the amount of those who decide to participate of a christian […]
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