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Being Catholic in Zanzibar

Mathew Limo* knows what to expect when he goes to church with his family. On the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar, where 98 percent of the population is Muslim, Christians are given the cold shoulder. The past year has been characterized by renewed violence against Christians. So far the violence remains aimed at religious, but the […]

St. Francis of Assisi

The Shalom vocation is a vocation with single traits influenced by the Franciscan Spirituality. Along with St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis of Assisi is a teacher of spiritual life for the members of Shalom Community. He is a safe way that the catholic mystique presents us. We are inspired by him to cry out […]

Pope at Mass: Let not your heart be troubled

Those who welcome the Holy Spirit will have a solid and endless peace, unlike those who choose to “superficially” trust in the tranquility offered by money or power. This was Pope Francis’ message at Mass Tuesday morning in Casa Santa Marta. The peace offered by things – money , power , vanity – and peace […]

Editing our own genes?

Several serious diseases are known to occur because of defects or mutations in our DNA. Curing such diseases could, in principle, be carried out by rewriting the DNA to fix the mutated base pairs. Yet, until recently scientists have remained largely stymied in their attempts to directly modify genes in a living animal. Findings described […]

Jesus Must be Foundation of Every Catholic School

Catholic schools must have Christ as their foundation, and Catholic teachers are the core of the educational and missionary action of the Church. Their recruitment and training are also a challenge for the future of the young generations and the Church more than ever. These were some of the conclusions to have come out of […]

Pope at Mass: Firmness of heart

A Christian should have their heart fixed on the Holy Spirit, not a fickle heart that dances from one place to another. This was Pope Francis’ message Monday morning at Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The Pope focused his homily on St. Paul, who was able to continuously evangelize because his heart was made firm […]

TRUCK DYNASTY: The First Deacon in the World of Monster Trucks

Crowds of people fill the stands, many sporting sunglasses and baseball caps and t-shirts with patriotic slogans. The sun beats down, the beer flows, and the cheers go up when the next “extreme diesel” pickup truck, souped-up so much that you’d probably need a ladder to get into the cab, enters the dirt field. If […]

Pope sends his blessings to participants of the Asian Conference on the Family

Pope Francis has praised Philippine Bishops for holding the “Asian Conference on the Family” currently underway in Manila. The conference, which runs until 16 May, gathers thousands of religious, educators, lay faithful, and politicians all over Asia to tackle the present-day situation of the human family. In a message signed by Vatican Secretary of State, […]

The Church Can Help Build a Better Europe

The campaign for the European elections opens on May 12. The elections will take place from May 22 to 25 in the 28 member states of the European Union (May 25 in France). More than 500 million Europeans will choose their 751 representatives (74 for France) in the European Parliament for the next five years. […]
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