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Shalom INTERNET-ional prayer meeting

Shalom INTERNET-ional Prayer Meeting: a new initiative of the Holy Spirit

Due to geographical distances not allowing many people to access a Shalom Evangelization Center in their country, the online initiative for vocational training and awakening was born, it is called the INTERNET-ional Prayer Meeting. It is basically a monthly meeting in English with moments of prayer, preaching and sharing on how to make a vocational […]

“It was born in us a missionary desire as a family”

Higor Fontoura is a Brazilian member of Shalom Catholic Community who has been lived in Boston, USA as a missionary with his family since 2011. His wife Mariana Fontoura is also a member of Shalom Covenant Community and they have 3 beautiful children that fill them with pride and happiness, the older Amanda is 15 years old, Higor Filho is 9 years old and Isabella is 1.
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