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Christ King of the Universe: in what does this Kingdom consist

THE INSTITUTION OF THE FEAST It is not new to Christians that Christ is King: the Holy Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church and the pious people give testimony. The feast of Christ the King was established less than a hundred years ago in 1925 by Pope Pius XI on the encyclical “Quas Primus” (Latin […]

The Tau in the Shalom vocation

The TAU The TAU is in the form of the Greek letter TAU (T), which is in the shape of a cross. The two major influences for Francis, in relation to the TAU, were the Antonians and the Fourth Council of the Lateran. Saint Francis got the TAU and it’s meaning from the Antonians. They […]

The 2 things you should do before Lent is over

More kindness Being kind, Fr. Martin says, looks simple, but is surprisingly difficult. It’s something we should all try to practice every day, but focus on especially during Lent. Here are the three components that Fr. Martin says he uses to put kindness into practice in his everyday life: 1. “Don’t be a jerk,” Fr. Martin says. “That […]

The worst sinners who became saints

Ask any Catholic to name a sinner who became a great saint and most will answer, “St. Augustine.” As a teenager, Augustine abandoned the Catholic faith for the pagan Manicheans sect, and took a mistress; they lived together for 17 years and had a son. Without meaning to diminish in any way the seriousness of […]

What is it that drives Simone Biles to be the best?

To answer that question, Us magazine recently asked Biles to empty her gymnastics bag in hopes of finding a secret formula to her success. While most of the contents of her bag were no surprise, the reporter noticed a white rosary that fell out. Biles explained, “My mom, Nellie, got me a rosary at church. […]
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