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Padre João Chagas Wilkes

“Young people always surprise, they are hope for the Church and for the world”

Father João Chagas, priest and missionary of Life Community, has been on mission in Rome for more than 20 years at the service of the Shalom Catholic Community and the universal church. They were years of "richness", full of experiences marked by the protagonism of young people from all over the world, years which now culminate in his return to Fortaleza, Brazil.

Pope Francis arrives in Portugal for World Youth Day

Pope Francis is already on Portuguese soil to preside over World Youth Day (WYD). The papal plane took off from Rome at 7:50 am (2:50 am Brasília time) and landed in Lisbon at 9:44 am (5:44 am Brasília time). Along with the Pontiff traveled journalists who will cover the papal trip. The Holy See Press […]
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