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In the Risen Christ, the man dressed in life

—————– (excerpts from the preaching of Moses Easter Azevedo in 2007 – Tried to maintain the conversational tone) Christ is risen, Hallelujah. He is truly risen! Hallelujah! Saint Paul himself said: “If Christ has not been raised, then our faith is in vain”. But as Christ is risen from the dead, we are the happiest […]

Missionary Weekend in London

“For the Church, for the young people, for mankind…”   Last 28th and 29th of September, Shalom Catholic Community in London, England, was engaged in another Missionary Weekend. The missionaries were able to walk throughout the streets of Hackney borough, east London, knocking on doors in the vicinity of St. Monica’s Catholic Church. At every […]

History of Shalom in Toronto

A couple of years ago, in 2003, the first missionaries from Life Community, arrived in Toronto.  Their main mission was to assist a Portuguese speaking parish in some activities such as bible course, youth prayer group coordination,  artistic presentation, evangelization in nursing homes and schools. Nowadays we are 9 missionaries, 2 for Life Community and […]

Being Shalom

“The Lord, our God, who deserves all the love in the world, performs a work among us: a new work, a new way. This way is real and as time goes by I feel it more concrete inside my heart. It is something new, it is something wonderful. I feel it like God wanting to […]


“What should we do, Lord, if not love you completely, with all we are! To give ourselves to you with all our weakness and, despite it, to live for you and to be the servants of your Kingdom?” (Written Espousal Love). Shalom’s Spirituality is based on the unconditional love, “espousal”, to Jesus Christ and in […]

Definitive Promises

"And there is no turning back, our heart is yours". This year, on May 4th, three members of our mission made their Definitive Promises in the Shalom Charisma, committing themselves to live this Vocation forever as Life Community ( Paula Mainardi) and Covenant Community (Alexandre e Andrea Reis).

Covenant Community

The covenant community is called to follow Jesus Christ living amidst Family and professional activities, taking the responsibility to live them according to the Shalom vocation. All the members of the community must be “light for the world and salt for the earth” in the secular ways. They meet twice a week in Community Cells, […]
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