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The TAU in Shalom Vocation

Meaning The TAU has a shape of the greek letter (T) that is a cross. St. Francis borrowed the Tau and what it meant to him from the Antonians. They were a religious community of men founded in 1095 whose sole function was to care for lepers. The Tau is the habit of the Secular […]

Covenant Community

The covenant community is called to follow Jesus Christ living amidst Family and professional activities, taking the responsibility to live them according to the Shalom vocation. All the members of the community must be “light for the world and salt for the earth” in the secular ways. They meet twice a week in Community Cells, […]

General Government

The General Government of the Shalom Catholic Community is headed by the moderator who is assisted by the General Council, elected in an assembly. According to the Community’s Statutes, the general moderator is into the mission of “being an instrument of the Divine Paternity and of the family’s spirit and unit inside the Community”. The […]
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