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34 graduate from Instituo de Formacion de Laicos

he Spanish-language lay formation program of the Archdiocese of Boston, the Instituto de Formacion de Laicos, graduated 34 laypeople representing 13 parishes from their formation certificate program, May 14, at Immaculate Conception Parish in Everett. Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley celebrated the graduation Mass with 13 priests, including the director of the Hispanic Apostolate Father Francisco […]

Shalom Prayer Group in London

If you wish to participate in one of our prayer groups join us! Every Wednesdays from 7 to 9pm  St Monica Church, 19 Hoxton Square, N1 6NT   FOR MORE INFORMATION:  Mobile: +44 (0) 7432501250 +44 (0) 7883171214 Email: Facebook: ShalominLondon Twitter: @ShalomLondon

Pope Francis has appointed Toronto Auxiliary Bishop William McGrattan as the next Bishop of Peterborough.

Pope Francis has appointed Toronto Auxiliary Bishop William McGrattan as the next Bishop of Peterborough. He will be dearly missed by our archdiocese, and we pray for him as he embarks on his new assignment. News release: Information regarding the installation of Bishop McGrattan in Peterborough will be announced in the coming days. Bishop McGrattan […]

Father João Wilkes, member of Shalom Catholic Community, is the new head of the Youth Sector of the Pontifical Council for the Laity

Rev. João Wilkes Chagas, a missionary member of the Shalom Catholic Community, is the new head of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Youth Sector (PCL). The information was released today at the Council’s official website. The function, hitherto exercised by Father Eric Jacquinet, from the Emmanuel Community, is coordinated by the Pontifical Council and assists […]

St. Francis of Assisi

The Shalom vocation is a vocation with single traits influenced by the Franciscan Spirituality. Along with St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis of Assisi is a teacher of spiritual life for the members of Shalom Community. He is a safe way that the catholic mystique presents us. We are inspired by him to cry out […]
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