
Rage virus and its negative effects in us

Human weakness isn’t a justification for a lack of charity with others.

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We’re constantly exposed to things that unplease us and we may have the most diverse reactions facing these situations. When it’s only about a transitory feeling that awakens inside us and quiclky passes, then it’s only our humanity reacting to exterior incentive to which it interacts, that means there’s no sin.

However, when it awakens inside us a bigger repulse desire, that doesn’t pass imediately, and with which we voluntarily consent and feed, until it becomes wrath, grudge, hate and even violence, then we’re in the presence of rage sin.

But after all, what rage is?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines rage as a desire of revenge(Catechism 2302) and, as we previously mentioned, wishing the other’s evil is a serious sin beacuse it ofends charity. The Lord is very clear when He says: “Anyone who is angry with another will answer for it before the court.” (Matthew 5, 22)

What we must do when someone does evil is to correct in charity(see Matthew 18, 15-20), but many times we prefer to resent with people, going against God’s Word when it says: “Do not resent your neighbour’s every offence.” (Ecclesiasticus 10, 6)

When this feeling grows, in a free and voluntarily way, it becomes hate, which is one of the worsts conditions a man can be in relation to another. Afirms the Catechism: “Voluntary hate is against charity. Hating others, willfully wishing them harm is a sin. It’s a serious sin when you willfully wish him a serious harm. ‘But I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so that you may be children of your Father in heaven…’ (Matthew 5, 44-45).” (Catechism 2303)

Rage effects on us

Besides hate, rage brings terrible effects such as revenge, injuries, blasphemies, divisions and, in extreme events, violence and even death.

When we talk about rage it’s necessary to show the difference between natural human reaction towards the discomfort of sin itself. Let’s see well. We all have things that displease, disgust, offend and annoy us. When we are in contact with them, it’s normal that intern feelings of repulse and anger come up. This is normal and the elements that take it to this point vary from person to person.

In the same way happens in relation to the intensity of the reaction that might be affected by many particular personal values or the person’s temperament, and even the instability of humor. Sin starts, as we said in the first article we talked about addiction, whe the sensation is consented.

Our human structures can leave us more susceptible to the mentioned feelings. Varying from person to person, our temperament can leave us propense to give more explosive or impulsive answers. Excessive irritability may show a human imaturity and impulsivity in our actions may demonstrate lack of self-control. Nevertheless, nothing justifies such atitudes.

Our human weakness isn’t justificative to fail in charity. In a way that doesn’t matter justifying rage with our human structure. Those who show this tendency must effort more than those who doesn’t have it to don’t fail in charity, in a way, in certain way, deserves more merit. The important thing is that nobody can be careless and give room to passions, independent of conditions.


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