Fortaleza, September 4th, 2013
Jesus Christ is our Peace!
The members of the General Assembly of Catholic Community Shalom, now taking place in the City of Fortaleza, convokes all of its members to be united to Holy Father Francis as to his great especially in Syria. Believe that Peace reaches the heart of man through reconciliation and is fruit of the convertion of the heart. That is why we are convinced that prayer and fasting are powerful means to move the heart of the ones involved in the conflicts so that they listen to their counsciousness and be open to dialogue, encouter and Peace.
We ask the Community to be present to the liturgical acts in their Particular Churches, besides opening the doors of our houses and Evangelization Centers to receive all who wish to be united in prayer to “the cry which rises up with increasing anguish from every part of the world, from every people, from the heart of each person, from the one great family which is humanity: it is the cry for peace!” (Pope Fracis, Angelus, September 1st, 2013)
We are specially united to the members of the Community who live in the North of Africa and Middle East and encourage them to maintain their Hope during the current painful moments, for we know in Whom we have placed our hope: Jesus, the Shalom of the Father.
In Jesus and Mary,
Moyses Azevedo
General Moderator
Bill, Another thought beorfe I check out for the evening. Remember that word mela ? Gen 1:28 here is my interp muliply in order to mela the earth with My Presence by reproducing the kind of fruit that contains My seed (the Word) which was implanted in you by My Spirit .In otherwords, go forth and function in the purpose in which you were created to function so that all nations might see He, Yahweh Elohim and come to know and love He, Yahweh Elohim as He loves all His creation!