
Shalom Community’s Prayer Campaign: I pray for the Pope!


#IprayforthepopeShalom Catholic Community has launched a campaign through social media inviting intercessors from all over the world to pray for Pope Francis. The campaign, entitled #IprayForthePope, has already sparked the creativity of many people offering different ways to pray for His Holiness.

When the new elected pope approached the central balcony of St Peter’s Basilica, the whole world was caught by surprise as they faced the first Latin American and Jesuit pope. However, what really kept lingering in the hearts and minds of all the faithful was his first request: “Pray for me”, he said, followed by a meaningful gesture of bowing down in silence. Ever since that day, Pope Francis has constantly asked all the faithful to pray for him. On his first tweet, he reinforced the request: “Dear friends, I thank you from my heart and I ask you to continue to pray for me”.

Inspired by this, the Shalom Catholic Community started the campaign in Brazil but it has no boarders as people from all over the world, nurtured by a filial love and deep sense of belonging, have also been reached by Pope Francis’ humble request. Families, children, young people, priests, seminarians and others have been inspired to offer little sacrifices, rosaries, daily mass, extra time to serve the Church, helping the poor, living a chaste life and many other ways as means of prayer.

The official Facebook page is where people can join the campaign, start praying and send pictures saying what they are offering as a prayer for the pope, also on Twitter and Instagram. The campaign is spreading hashtags in six languages:

English: #IprayForthePope

Portuguese: #EuRezoPeloPapa

Hungarian: #Pápáértimádkozok

Spanish: #YoRezoporElPapa

Italian: #IoPregoPerIlPapa

French: #jepriepourlepape

German: #IchbetefürdenPapst


What about you? Do you pray for the Pope? Join us! 


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