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Shalom has four new Priests


Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community have been ordained priests on December 22 by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.


They are Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of the Shalom Community. Their first Mass has been celebrated on the following days from December 25 to December 28 at Shalom da Paz Evangelization Centre, in Fortaleza.

The Shalom Community has a total of 17 priests members of Life Community and 10 priests who belong to the Covenant Community, in Brazil and in other countries. 70 members are now studying to become priests.

According to the founder, Moyses Azevedo, these four new priests are a result of God’s fruitfulness in the community’s life, which bears new vocations. At the beginning of the Holy Year of Mercy, these new ordinations are received with great expectation within the Community. “We can say that these new priests, generated in the Church in the season of mercy, are born with these characteristics and therefore must resemble much more the Father of Mercy, the Father who has His eyes over humanity, who leans over it and comes to its encounter, the Father who has a visceral love, a faithful love in favor of men”, he added.

Edie Bethlem Suassuna Lemos and Cristiano Pinheiro Campelo Bedè are members with definitive promises and currently live in Rome, Italy, where they serve, respectively, as the Mission Local Authority and as International Assistant of the General Moderator.

Edie’s both parents are missionary members of the Shalom Community. Since his childhood he has developed a friendship with God through the charisma Shalom. With 18 he entered Life Community, where he discovered his call to celibacy and later to priesthood. Cristiano is also known for his gift in music. He entered Life Community very young and sang in the Missionario Shalom band for many years. He is also songwriter and composer of many songs that are today part of the community’s artistic and liturgical repertoire.

Gustavo Jose Mendes Pinto and Hintz Dagoberto dos Santos are also members of the Life Community with definitive promises. They work in Shalom’s formation and Discipleship houses in Eusebio (Brazil) and Pacajus (Brazil). Both received a Catholic education and have served for years in vocational groups, before discerning to enter the Community. Gustavo comes from Pernambuco State and Hintz comes from Sao Paolo.


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